E’ con grande piacere che ricevo un libro di Robert P. Crosby e di sua moglie Patricia dedicato alla famiglia Cianferoni, Caparsa winery, oltre che a Dario Cecchini, Panzano e la famiglia Barucci, Volpaia. E’ un diario di un “cittadino contemporaneo”, scritto con una grande sensibilità per questa terra e la sua gente, ma sopratutto riflette su come i semplici comportamenti quotidiani e la gioia di vivere si esalta in questi luoghi.
Riporto in inglese quello che ha scritto Robert:
My new book “A Month in Medieval Volpaia, Tuscany”
is a diary of Patricia and my experience for a month
in this village of 52 people. We have gone there for
a month the last 8 years.
About the book Ron Reagan (political commentator and author) writes “…for Italophiles…who long to travel
in a way that involves being as well as seeing”.
The book can be purchased through Amazon or almost all
bookstores in America, but because it’s self published
it has to be ordered and there is a wait for delivery.
Also you can purchase it through Wanderers’ by
sending a check for $22.67 to
Bob Crosby
1916 Pike Pl Ste 12 #1303
Seattle, WA 98101
“The photos are terrific” – Doria Reagan
The book has 51 color pictures and is about having a
depth experience in another county rather than a
whirlwind tour.